Tuesday, November 15, 2011


I was in total anger for work but after work, I met b and kinda make me forget. And right now, I just found out that weiwei's accident. I'm sorry to hear about this but RIP. We may not have contact each other for a very long period but I do still remember you. You were the little sweetheart of mine back then. You kept me accompanied on the phone for hours and even told you love it when I call you weiwei. I didn't expect to hear/read such a news about you. But what has happened, we can't change it. I just pray that your family will be able to accept the fact that you had already left us to another world. weiwei, I miss you and you live forever in our heart.

I still can't get over what I just read :( I'm sorry, I really can't.

Anyway, work sucks to the max because I work with the worst people ever. This people should just bang the wall and die. Like seriously! Yes, I may not have done well but what have you guys helped me? I even told you bitch that I never did 4sectors before! not even KL flight. I asked you some questions and how much did you help me? and slut, you don't judge me by my look and all. don't think you are a senior, you can disrespect me. I'm still your colleague! Seriously, this people needs to learn how to respect people. and to you attention seeker! you chao ah gua lah! you makes me hate ah gua so much now. YUCKS!

Thankful that I could share this with steff and she was telling me i should just report about this. But I chose to let the matter go. If this matter happens again, I will make sure that I report about it! FYLIFE!

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